Saturday, July 22, 2006

Karaoge Tea

If you live where I live, then tea is considered to be ambrosia*. You have to believe me when I say my family is as passionate about tea as I am about sex. Citations:

  • You are at a funeral and somebody says, loud enough for everyone in the neighborhood, Chai** hoti, tho kitna achcha hota.
  • You have just arrived after a scathing journey in a defunct car in summer and the first thing you are asked is, how about a cup of Camomile?
  • They believe the Boston Tea Party of 1773 is about a number of tea connoisseurs sipping on East India Company's tea at The Waterfront. They believe the party was held to ceremonialize the acceptance of EIC Chai.
  • You have just finished a five-course meal at, say, The Grill Room and got home at 2:00 hours. Someone will say, lets have tea and the entire family is up on their feet, one boiling water, another boiling milk, another one has disappeared to Zhejiang province to fetch Oolong tea leaves and in less than ten minutes, everyone is holding fine bone-china the size of a pint tankard***.
Growing up was difficult for us, especially me. Everytime we would go to some party or the other, following dessert would be a round of Antakshari**** and Housie*****. This form of expression has now pussyfooted into urban areas and is popularly know as Friday Night Gians.
  • Every once in a while, my BIL and I go out to pubs on Fridays, by which, I mean, I have a chance to get away from my wife while my BIL has a chance to get away from his home bar. We tend sit away from the speakers and karaoke box****** and very close to the restroom and the bar.
  • Atleast six people will sing six, if not more versions of Hotel California*******.
  • Several people will also sing the most popular songs of Pink Floyd, Metallica, Guns N' Roses, etc., while they shake their heads vigorously and sibilate, depositing huge amounts of beer into the microphone.
  • Some anthropoid ape will challenge his mate to sing In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida********.
  • A biker chick, tattooed Rhonda Rash will sing, yes, you have guessed it right, Zombie.
  • A Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie will attempt to sing Hand in My Pocket or Head Over Feet*9.
  • An uncle somewhere will want to dedicate a song to his sweetheart*10 and sing Heartbreak Hotel*11.

Yours croakingtoadly.

* The drink that was responsible for Curtly Ambrose's lascivious lips. Exception to the rule is my BIL. Everytime anyone wants a cup of chai at home, my BIL will instantly down a thimbleful of alcohol. He has agreed NOT to take it easy and drink in moderation.

** Please do not be mistaken. Chai is NOT the name of the person dead.

*** Ofcourse there is a lot of confusion between half-empty or half-full. Eitherways your glass will be full in a moment. To avoid this befuddlement, my BIL never uses a glass.

**** The vernacular version of Karaoke popularized by housewives watching too many Hindi movies though my BIL always sings songs of Pankaj Udhas strangely. I never understood the connection.

***** Any game that is played indoors. My BIL always looses count of his numbers after number 9.

****** Usually a television set or a projector displaying the lyrics of the song. As the night progresses, this box is blinded from the singer by a bunch of drunk men and women, thereby

I want to feel sunlight on my face
I see the dust cloud disappear
So I dub the unforgiven
I was kissin' Valentino
So kiss me and smile for me
Right through the very heart of it - New York, New York

only if it is an informed singer.

******* Versions include Sonu Nigam, Altaf Raja, Udit Narayan, Kumar Sanu, Abhijeet and Alka Yagnik. (female singer) Somebody with dreadlocks and unusually dark will attempt to do a Bob Marley version too.

******** By the time he finishes his own rendition of the song, the pub will be bereaved of any women population.

*9 Everytime someone sings terribly, my BIL stands on his feet and starts singing the National Anthem, thereby compelling other drunken patrons to stand up, which is the real problem.

*10 Usually half-his-age and smarter-by-half or a woman about his age dressed for a house warming ceremony.

*11 Very little singing interlaced with heavy suggestive pelvic thrusts, at times exposing his prostrate problem.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Krokie,

It is uncanny how you pick these topics. I suspect you are my stalker. It is a well established fact in Hyderabad, that come Thursday night, Yours Truly and Co will be found at 10 Downing Street* indulging in some Krokie. This is done because, and this is true, I resemble a Rockstar. The rockstar in question is Meatloaf.

I must say, you appear to be a Krokie Aficionado yourself as you have pointed out, quite correctly, the things that are wrong with Krokie in this Kountry.

- You have Banged The Head On The Nail with Hotel California. I was thinking of filing a writ petition to the Government of India asking them to replace our existing National Anthem with Hotel CA. Whilst a majority of our vast population sing 'Jana Gana Mana and Jaya Hay Jaya Hay Jaya Hay' with great gusto, they are KNOWN to lip-sync the rest of the song. This is not the case with Hotel CA. Whether they are Anthony from Yercaud OR Jitu & Tommy from Jalundher OR David from the North East OR Srinivas Gangadhar Reddy from West Godavari etc., they ALL know the words to Hotel Calif. It is a different story that none of them know what a 'warm smell of colitas' really is.

- Ditto, Bingo and Damn Right with various renditions of Floyd / G&R and Metallica. If I was paid a Rupaiyah for every time I heard someone sing Comfortably Numb and The Wall I would be an average income man. We in Hyderabad are far ahead of the country in terms of our Singers. Our Singers ALSO sing songs of other hard-core rockers. One is Bon Jovi. The Other is Boyzone.

- I am sorely disappointed you missed out other Krokie Favourites. How did you miss 'Words', 'Country Roads' and 'Annies Song'? I know its only words, but words are not enough.

- While you are Bang On about 'Zombie' I seem to notice the Biker Chicks in your desh don't sing 'Whats Up' by 4 Non Bonds. (The 4 Non Bonds in question are Sean Connery, Roger Moore, George Lazenby and Timothy Dalton. We ALL know, the only REAL Bond is Remington Steele).

- Our Hyderabadi women ALSO like to sing Alanis. While they are not Former Infactuation Junkies, their voices are like Jagged Little Pills. Ironic, isn't it?

- Fortunately for us, the Uncles do not attempt Elvis for their sweethearts. This is attributed to the Royal Stag Club of Hyderabad where none of the Uncles have sweethearts or Aunties. That is why there is NO Elvis. Which is WHY, Uncles will sing Delilah, Sweet Caroline and My Way.

- I cannot possibly tell you what I sing. Of course I could be persuaded to, for a small fee.

Yours MikeCzechOneTwoly,

* Not to be mistaken for The Blair Witch Project's residence. In case you are interested in learning more, please visit

PS. I am sorry I could not comment on Tea. It is my favourite beverage. One day I hope you and I can chat over a hot cuppa.

1:43 AM  
Blogger qwerty said...

hi Riggy Martin,

Did you know Meat Loaf was a part of one of my favorite movies Fight Club? I am a stickler for trivia.

Yes I am a Karaoke Aficionado and the uncle in question is usually me. I have mastered the fine art of pelvic thrusting, thereby distracting the listeners from my singing.

Some of them have mastered the art of singing Hotel California backwards.

Colitis: Inflammation of the colon but warm smell of the inflammation of the colon doesn't make sense or does it?

No I haven't forgotten Annie's song. Indians now sing the vernacular version, Gaand Mein Danda.

I like tea, in moderation.

Yours dikeandhisgigantics.

11:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Dike,

Your take on trivia is fascinating. Fight Club is one of my favourite films too. Did you know the brown station wagon against which Edward Norton falls in his first fight with Brad Pitt is the same brown station wagon used in The Game (1997), in which Michael Douglas hid while James Rebhorn drove him to CRS headquarters. The car has a CRS sticker on the windshield.

I am also glad to see you are aware of the kind of education XLRI imparts these days. People from all over the country study there in the vain hope of getting ahead but they ALWAYS get Shafted. Gaand Mein Danda is one such example. Sadly, it does not have a social message like the OTHER song that talks about the joys of non-smoking, Kyon, BenChot Sutta Na Milla?

We (You, BIL, The rest of the Gigantics, Myself and The Proportions) must get together and have a Krokie Showdown. I think it will be like the video of Beat It (without Michael Jackson).

Yours MIDIFilely,

12:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi qwerts,

I, on the behalf of rediff chat, extend our warmest welcome to you to chat on rediff chat.

Please tell us a time and date and we all will make our presence felt.

Yours wontingly.

12:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Voice(lessly) (Fully) or sheer Tone deaftly...

Well... this Riggs STAR... can belt out numbers. Meatloaf or Michael Jackson... he can sing and does so well.

Heard him live myself after a few LIT's but does well.

Can't touch Him...

1:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Tell us when you are starting Pms (ing)....

Can't wait to be there..

Anxiously counting sheep.

1:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

'ola Qwerts,

I see you seem have made quite an impression on chatworld. Ha-Ha, I thought I was the only one. We are all waiting with bated breath for your appearance.

I feel like Al Pacino and Simone. Haha, I am sure you are better looking though.

Dear G,

You is making me blush. My singing skills are as good as your butt-pinching skills. We are Bum Chums.


6:07 PM  
Blogger qwerty said...

hi anonymous,

This will have to be just a one-time chat because I perfectly know and understand the perils of addiction.

Please name the chat site, time and date and I promise to be there.

Also, how will I recognize you?

Yours chittychatly.

10:59 AM  
Blogger qwerty said...

hi riggy,

Stop being a prude. Incase g is a woman, you must say, My singing skills are as good as your tit-twitching skills. We are bosom friends.

Also, you can get away with bosom friends because attached to it are creative liberties.

11:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heh Qwerts,

Do not call me a prude without knowing the whole story. G is indeed a woman who other than drinking LIT's and pinching behinds, is very profecient in the art of Tae-Kwando, Kick Boxing, Tai-Chi and Sudoku.

I do not mind my butt being pinched. It is getting my ass 'whupped' that I would like to avoid.

I notice you no longer visit my Blog.

May I also log into this chat site when you log in to chat with your fans?


11:50 AM  
Blogger qwerty said...

hi riggs,

I like a woman in her defence does not merely fling her money pouch, kick her high heels in your general direction or scream HELP! HELP! shaking both her hands vigorously but will kick you in your balls so you will stop contaminating this world with your spermatazoa.

Getting ass whupped is considered a delicacy among certain sections of the people whose last name is dominatrix.

I am sorry, I couldn't visit your blog. Please let me know whenever there is an update and I will personally comment.

Yes, you may. I am still waiting for anonymous to give me the details.

1:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi qwerts,

How about Rediff Chat, 6:30 PM IST, Room: Footsie, 24th July 2006.

I am sure you will be able to recognize Rigger_Mortisse, if not anyone else.

Hope to see you there today.

2:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why does it ALWAYS have to be me???????

Qwerts, if you espy a Rigger_Mortisse in there, that shall be Moi.

I am sure this news is spreading like wildfire over chatland and I am hoping that all these SO CALLED Anonymous's will have IDs.

Do we have a date?

Yours RediffChatly,

2:59 PM  
Blogger qwerty said...

hi rigger_mortisse,

I hope so too unless they will log in as anonymous1, anonymous2, anonymous3, etc.

Yes, I will be there.

3:25 PM  

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